This web page is dedicated to my five dogs. Four Great Danes: MANTEUFEL Saxifraga, MARCELLO Moloseum, THEO Moloseum, UROCZA PANNA Moloseum and my crazy multibreed female OPKA :). Because of that this webpage has two faces. One more private and personal where can be found rich galleries (file- Gallery) with photos of my pets from home and our walks outdoor. There you will recognize my MANTEUFEL as Teufel, Tofik or Torfeusz, MARCELLO as a Uziel, Uzi, Zazul or Zazeusz, THEO as Czart, Czarcioch or Teodor while UROCZA PANNA as Panna or called by my son Dila :D. You can also watch changes in appearance of Opka who came to us unexpectedly in frosty January 2006. She was advertised by her previous owner as a Great Dane without tail :D but turned out to be very freaky mix of Boxer and Doberman. From time to time there will be some info about important for us dates and home and family. happenings. You will also find in file In memoriam photomemories of Simba - my first great dane and my unfulfiled dream - little elf - Gucio (DOLCE GUSTO Gattaca) Chinese Crested Dog who left us in dramatic situation.
The second face of my webpage is connected with my cynological passion. There I invite you to file My dogs where in files MANTEUFEL Saxifraga, MARCELLO Moloseum, THEO Moloseum and UROCZA PANNA Moloseum can be found informations from Dog Show and Breeding aspect. Fallowing files contain informations about Dog Show achievements (file Dog Shows), Pedigrees (file pedigree), photos episodes of life and Show rings (file Gallery) and results of medical examinations (file Health).
From the beginning of 2008 on the web page has appeared more cynological data useful for other Great Dane fans. In file Puppies from time to time appear info about puppies from our friends kennels. In file Links there are links to polish and foreign Great Dane Kennels and privet owners web pages. This file is very often actualized. There are also addresses of web pages of other breeds owners whom we met during our show voyages. In file "Recommended web pages about dogs and great danes" you can find addresses of: Polish Great Dane Club, European Great Dane Club (EuDDC), Polish Cynological Union, and International Cynological Federation (FCI) and less formal but still useful addresses such us Great Dane adoption web page and pages of various dog schools and portals dedicated to Great Danes. Last subfile of Links is "Recommended forums about dogs and great danes". It is dedicated to internet forums which I like to use and where I find a lot of useful cynological information.
File Calendar was made for people fascinated with dog shows. I collect there all the data about show rings where appear Danes. We have here very precise callenadar for polish and many foreign dog shows including: register deadlines, fees, list of judges for Great Danes, and sometimes entry forms and other useful information. I also try to collect list of dogs who attended those Dog Shows. It is sometimes enriched with results of winning dogs and photos from show made by me or my friends. Additionally with list of shorts used for country names I use to describe from where the judge is, there are addresses of Cynological unions from those countries. Recently there appeared new file List of Judges. In this file you can find list of judges from various countries in alphabetical order and links to shows judged by them.
The new file - Dane's Rank has appeared because of my involvement in creation of this ranking for 2008 season (under patronage of Polish Great Dane Club) and two other competitions (Polish Great Dane Derby 2009 and Polish Great Dane League - Europe 2009) It contain all the information about these ranks. All those competition give opportunity to sum up show results of our dogs in given season and compare to other dogs. It is also nice form of entertainment.
File Press contains information connected with Great Dane breed and general cynology. This are both all advertisements of my dogs, which had appeared in many publications, and articles written by me and other people.
In file - From the Ring you can find recorded important successes of Polish dog on Show rings. Those from the polish kennels (living in Poland and abroad) as well as imported and owned by Poles. In the first assumption this file was supposed to be conducted only on an ongoing basis, starting from 2010 show season. However, some people sent me information about successes of their dogs from previous years. Due to this, I decided to fill up the results of the past show seasons. Currently in archival files data is incomplete and will be supplemented in time.
I hope I open in time some new useful files on my web page. I have some plans but not to bring bad luck I tell you when is will be finished :).. Surly there will be soon file Handicraft, where I would like to present my creations.